Extended Mag Glock 43x - Tyrant Designs is an American manufacturer of CNC machined upgrades and accessories for AR-15 pistols. I was recently sent a pair of their Glock 43X and 48 +4 Magazine Extenders. When it comes to magazine extensions, the deciding vote on their quality or lack thereof usually comes down to how they perform with the rifle. In addition to this metric, I'll also look at how the carrying experience changes compared to standard capacity refills.

My first impression of the magazine extension can be summed up in one word - precision. As a former machinist, I can tell the quality CNC machining that goes into these parts. Although the magazine extensions appear to have very rough angled edges, they are beveled at a comfortable angle that prevents any bumping or scratching when handling or holstering.

Extended Mag Glock 43x

Extended Mag Glock 43x

The anodizing is very well done and resists general wear and tear, but if you put enough effort into it, it will peel - not unbeatable by any means, but good enough that under normal use the coating will peel. destroy

Glock 43x: The Ultimate Concealed Carry Gun?

For looks I give these a solid 9/10 - they look great when paired with the original Glock 43X and Glock 48 colors I own. The magazines line up with the dimensions of the grip and only extend downward, adding to the overall height of the rifle in this configuration. With other colors I was expecting a more exotic look, but in the black and silver that Tyrant sent me, the weapons look great.

This is the most frustrating part of the Glock pistol magazine extension. For most pistol magazines, all you have to do is push a button on the bottom of the magazine and remove the base plate. On Glock magazines, there are two small retaining plates on the right and left sides of the magazine body that extend into the base plate, which must be pressed in addition to the down button to push the spring base up.

There are tools for this, but I used a pair of channel locks to press down the sides. Even with the channel locks, quite a bit of force was required to overcome the small portion of the locking tab engagement to remove the main base plates.

Once the original base plates are removed, installing the Tyrant Designs extensions is easy: just transfer the follower from the old spring to the extension spring, install the spring and follower, then close it with the filler extension.

Glock 43x / 48 Mag Release

Tyrant has made disassembly easier with a small retention compartment behind the interior that can be compressed by firmly pressing down on an empty case or other hard object – no need for channel locks.

Magazine extensions work as advertised. I had a little trouble loading these up to 14 rounds. With a little practice this isn't a problem, but that last lap definitely requires a lot of pressure to get there. Even with extra pressure, the magazine can be inserted with the slide closed, but will not release when loaded to capacity.

I did a few tests to see when the magazines held up in normal gun operation. When fully charged, the cartridges click into place and do not release. However, it appears that you can fill the magazine up to 12 rounds and still remove it from the gun. With more rounds than that, the magazine sits well in the magazine. This seems to be a problem with Glock magazines combined with extra spring pressure causing a bulge near where the bottom of the OEM Glock magazine is.

Extended Mag Glock 43x

When filled to capacity, the sides of the magazine inflate enough to hold the magazine in the rifle. This may be an issue for some, but for me it seems like a bit of an inconvenience as I can't see myself dropping fully loaded magazines. In normal use, the springs provide both enough pressure to properly feed the gun and lock the slide on the last round. Once the magazine was empty, the magazines were released as normal – perhaps even a bit faster than standard magazines due to the added weight of the extensions.

Rwb Glock 43x & 48 9mm 17round Magazine Black 8809724650148

One thing I've noticed is that having handgun extensions keeps your palm from getting pinched between the magazine and magazine base plate when reloading. In general, I find it easier to work with magazines with attachments attached.

The biggest drawback of the magazine extension is in the concealment department. When mounted on a Glock 48, it adds nearly 2 inches to the overall height of the rifle. The height of the gun is often the hardest part to hide, as it hides against the natural oval shape of your waist. When hidden under the regular shirts I wear, they create a much sharper print, which isn't ideal.

TFBTV's James Reeves recently gave us a scientific ranking of the effectiveness of concealed carry handguns. The performance score is as follows:

Calculated by multiplying rounds per square meter and rounds per ounce. This does not take into account the overall length of the gun, but it does take into account how effective it is. Lighter guns with thin/short frames and higher capacity do well here. Higher scores are better.

Ets Group 9mm 19 Round Magazine For Glock 43x

The Glock 48 typically has a 0.79 efficiency factor with a 10 round capacity. As the magazine expands, the efficiency score drops to 0.76, which isn't much of a drop. This puts the Glock 48 on par with guns like the SIG Sauer P228, Glock 26 Gen 3, and SIG Sauer P320 Compact. The main reason for the drop in points is due to the added height.

Mentally, if I were to carry these magazine extensions, I would carry them in a pocket or magazine holster, as that would reduce their negative effect on concealability when loaded in the rifle. Of course, you can violate this efficiency bonus by adding large magazine extensions, but that ultimately defeats the purpose of a concealed carry pistol—basically, to cheat the system.

I think the Tyrant Designs +4 magazine extensions were added to the Glock 43X or Glock 48 for everyday shooting or as a backup magazine extension. They don't add much weight and provide extra grip for those with very large hands.

Extended Mag Glock 43x

I probably wouldn't carry these as part of my EDC kit, but I would take them with me to the range and keep them at home. The way I carry it doesn't lend itself well to a bigger grip than the Glock 48 right now. It's always a good idea to have extra refills around with extra capacity and I think keeping them at home as extra refills in the car or on you is the best way to carry them.

Glock 43x Vs. P365: Which Is Better For Edc?

If you want to pick up Tyrant Designs +4 magazine extensions for your Glock 43X or Glock 48, you can visit their website. Each magazine insert costs $39.95, comes in 6 different colors, and comes with a 30-day money back guarantee and a lifetime warranty.

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